
Molecular Spectroscopy: Graphology of Molecular Dance

Together with Vijay Ganesh from our group we participated in the Cambridge Creative Encounters project. We collaborated with an art student Shana Hazel, who did the graphics. The video explains our research in a way accessible to everyone.

On Chemical activities

In most textbooks it is not thoroughly explained, how the chemical activities defined using different standard states relate to each other. Following questions of Richard Veselý, I wrote a short document explaining this, which can be found on my blog.


CovidEdu: Studying at Cambridge (Czech only)

9 April 2020

Covid Edu is an educational live-streaming channel set up during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 by Alumni Scientiae Bohemicae voluntary association. I gave a lecture describing the life of a student studying at the University of Cambridge. The presentation can be downloaded here.


LaTeX natsci package

For my purposes I wrote a LaTeX metapackage for typesetting sciences and mathematics. It is best used with XeLaTeX, but also works with normal LaTeX. For the package as well as some templates, see my Github.

Family recipes (Czech only)

I have started to gather family recipes on the web site recepty.pradafamily.net. However, this is very much a work in progress.

Czechia survival guide

A friend of mine visited Czechia and I could not guide her myself, so I decided to write a guide. It is hastily written, incomplete and entireyl subjective. It contains a brief introduction to the history of the country, basic info for visitors, brief introduction to the language, money, public transport, food and drinks, and, of course, places to visit in Prague and outside of it. Here is a PDF.